
Over 4,000 Britons can vote in European elections in Balearics

Voter deadline for EU elections is May 7.


Britain is gearing up to take part in the European elections next month after it was granted a Brexit extension until the end of October and that means that 4,249 Britons resident in the Balearics will be entitled to vote.

Nearly 5,000 are entitled to vote at the municipal elections on May 26.

Providing you have been out of the United Kingdom for less than 15 years you are entitled to a vote.

However, if you do not already have an up-to-date voter registration you may face a rush to get registered in time.

The deadline for voter registration for EU elections is May 7 if you decide to vote in the UK. The UK is taking part in the European Elections because it is one of the conditions of EU leaders giving Britain a Brexit extension until 31 October.

European Council president Donald Tusk said the UK was expected to “continue its sincere cooperation” as a member state. And the Prime Minister agreed that the UK would continue to abide by its obligations.

Legal issue
But it is also a legal issue. As Britain is still a member of the EU, its citizens have the legal right to be represented in the European Parliament.

So if Britain is still part of the EU when voting begins then it must take participate in the elections.