News of the day 21 October 2019
News / Latest headlines
Rain expected all over Majorca on Monday.


Monday's weather in Majorca

Yellow alerts everywhere for rain on Monday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Spain's acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez


Spanish PM to visit Barcelona, criticises regional chief

Sanchez will visit police officers injured in the protests.


Costa NeoRiviera

What's On

Where to go and What to see

Cruise ships in port, markets to visit and films in English.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Rafa Nadal and Xisca Perelló


First official photographs of Rafa Nadal's wedding

First official photographs released of Rafa and Xisca's wedding day.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Palma airport


Clampdown on illegal Palma airport transfers

Drivers illegally picking up or dropping of at Palma airport were fined 311,000 euros this year.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Yesterday's protest in Palma


Palma marches in protest of Catalan leaders' sentence

5,000 people took part in the protest in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Francisco Franco's tomb at the Valley of the Fallen


Spain will exhume dictator Francisco Franco's remains on Thursday

The location of Franco's tomb continues to fracture Spanish opinion with 43% in favour of the move.


Autumn rain in Palma


Another "gota fria" affecting Majorca

Weather forecast for the week ahead.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Golden visas are awarded for property investment


Balearics wants an end to the “Golden Visa” scheme

So-called “Golden Visa” are issued to non-EU investors who spend 500,000 euros or more on properties in the Balearic Islands.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment



“The Spanish government has failed tomake any progress in Catalonia and it continues to be the key issue...”

Jason Moore

The Ramallet tomatoes.


Out and About

Multi-coloured cherry tomatoes are also trending in the shops at the moment.

Peter Clover

Holiday / Lifestyle
Taglitelle bolognese.

Restaurant Review

Fresh pasta order was such a hassle

Local restaurant review of Rosamunda, Calle Archiduque Luis Salvador 35, Palma. Tel:871-809089

Andrew Valente

Sa Dragonera island

Nautical Notes

100 locals get together at sea for the protection of Sa Dragonera MPA

Mediterranean Marine Regeneration -For a clean and healthy Mediterranean Sea

Save the Med

Kale & Fresh Herb Soup

Weekend Food

Working class hero

Marc Fosh is the first and only British Chef to be awarded a Michelin Star in Spain. Recipes for today are Kale & Pistachio Pesto and Kale & Fresh Herb soup with crumbled feta.

Marc Fosh

Sport / Real Mallorca
RCD Mallorca v Real Madrid

La Liga Football

Stunning 1-0 win for Real Mallorca

Wild celebrations of biblical proportions followed the win with cars driving round the city with horns blasting out.

Monro Bryce

Edition of 20 October 2019