News of the day 30 December 2019
News / Latest headlines
Frozen 2 Official Trailer

What's On

Where to go and What to see

Markets to visit and films to see in English.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A lovely sunny day in Palma


Good morning from Majorca

Sunny with a light breeze.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Balearics only got 1.28 million national tourists


The Spanish are not too keen on holidaying in the Balearics

The Balearics were at the bottom of the league table when it came to residents travelling to other parts of Spain.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Centre Cinegètic has reintroduced rabbits at eleven fincas in Majorca


Rabbits now listed as endangered species in Majorca

For the last four years, 200 rabbits a year have been given to 11 farms across the island as part of a restocking program.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Marine, Britten, Les Illuminations - Ensemble Tramuntana

What's On

What's on in Majorca on Monday

Festival of the Standard at Sant Miquel Church in Palma and Ensemble Tramuntana perform.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The work will improve sanitation and reduce spillage into Palma bay by more than 70%


Work finally begins on water treatment plant

Emaya insists that the delays have led to improvements in the project.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

La Raixa manor house


Raixa centre renovation will highlight Tramuntana heritage

A budget of almost half a million euros has been allocated to work to cover all the exhibition areas.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The residents in the city come from all over the world


Foreign residents lead growth in Balearic population

The area with the most foreign residents is Cala Major with 31.41%.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The woman suffered a heart attack whilst hiking


Rescued hiker dies

A Guardia Civil helicopter had to be used to transfer her to the Intensive Care at Son Espases Hospital.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The fire spread to 3 homes in the shanty town


Explosion sparks panic in Palma

At least 50 people from Spain, Romania and Morocco live in shacks made of wood, cardboard and plastic in the shanty town.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Winter tourism

“Jet2 deserve plenty of praise for their effort to revive winter tourism to Majorca...”

Jason Moore

Holiday / Lifestyle
Preserved lemons

Weekend Food

Get cooking in 2020

Experiment and try cooking with a few ingredients you’ve never used before. Here are some of my favourite, essential ingredients for 2020.

Marc Fosh

Slugs, snails and beetles can decimate a row of seedlings


Gardening in Majorca

Start the year off by planting the seeds of tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, leeks, garlic, lettuce and of course still those peas, beans and broad beans.

Dorothy Loeffler

Views of Soller

Humans of Majorca

Humans of Majorca say goodbye to 2019

So what about the lives of Humans of Majorca as we enter the 2020’s? The fundamental changes are that people like me who arrived to live here full time have been replaced.

Shirley Roberts

Edition of 29 December 2019