News of the day 27 April 2020
News / Latest headlines
Kids were allowed to go outside with a parent on Sunday.


Government issues new Health criteria

The Balearic Islands will have to meet new Health criteria before coronavirus restrictions can be lifted.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The number of patients in ICU has not increased since 4 April.

State of alarm

Minorca well positioned for easing of confinement

Medical opinion is that closing the airport a week earlier would have made a significant difference.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A sunny afternoon with highs of 23.


Good morning from Majorca

Sunny spells expected across the islands by mid afternoon. Check our webcams.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Brad Pitt at the 92nd Academy Awards in Hollywood, Los Angeles.


Brad Pitt's SNL performance goes viral

Brad Pitt's SNL parody of Dr Fauci goes viral on social media. Watch the video here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A record year for cruise ships in Palma had been forecast.

Cruise tourism

Cruise ship operations in Palma down at least 60% this year

Cruise lines will need to wait until strict protocols are in place.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Critics lash out at reckless parents on social media.


Give them an inch...

Critics lash out at reckless behaviour of parents and children on Sunday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Pablo Iglesias

The week that was

The family man dude

Pablo was very humble but also very aware, which comes from being a family man dude.

Andrew Ede

The flags were taken down.

Historical memory

Sa Pobla resident forced to remove Francoist flags

Displaying Francoist symbols can result in substantial fines.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Horse trained on the grounds of the hotel.

Animal Welfare

New Horse Hotel in Portocolom

New horse hotel opens in Portocolom.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Healthcare Professionals disinfect with hand gel.


Disappointing coronavirus news on Monday

Four more coronavirus deaths confirmed in the Balearic Islands on Monday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Another 331 Covid-19 deaths confirmed in Spain.


More than 100,000 people have beaten Covid-19

331 more coronavirus fatalities confirmed in Spain on Monday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

New health restrictions could signal the end of the Hotel Buffet.


Bye Bye Buffet?

New Post-Covid-19 Buffet report suggests it may be time to bin the Hotel Buffet Service.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The S'Illot dig has provided evidence of Byzantine times.


Byzantine era evidence at S'Illot Talayotic settlement

Among the findings were bones of fallow deer, which became extinct in Majorca after the Byzantine era.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

President Armengol with the parliamentary spokespeople for Més, PSOE and Podemos.


Balearic government to start drafting reconstruction pact

A Thursday meeting with business and union representatives will be the first step in coming up with this pact.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Minister for productive sectors, Juan Pedro Yllanes.


Government campaign to purchase protection equipment locally

Manufacturers in the Balearics could get two-year contracts for supplying protective clothing.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

World Health Organisation issues stark warning.


WHO warns against lifting restrictions too fast

The World Health Organisation says lifting the coronvirus restrictions too soon will harm the economy.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Former Balearics president, José Ramón Bauzá.


Bauzá demanding apology from German tourism commissioner

The former Balearic president has reacted strongly to statements from the German government commissioner.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Passengers at Alexanderplatz in Berlín.


German nationals to take Stay-cations this year

German Government says Germans unlikely to holiday abroad this summer.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment
Donald Rumsfeld, former US defence secretary

My Column

What does the future hold?

The problem with speculating about the post-Covid world is that it may not be a matter of our shaping the future, but of being shaped by it.

Donald Trelford


Confinement and common sense

There have unquestionably been flagrant abuses, but there have also been cases which don’t seem to be.

Andrew Ede


Changing times

“How life has changed, a short walk has now become a luxury....”

Jason Moore

Holiday / Lifestyle
Chocolate Tart

Food & Fosh

Chefs, rock stars? I don’t think so!

When I first started cooking, chefs were mostly unsung heroes who stayed firmly tied their kitchens stoves and never ventured out into the dining room seeking approval every five minutes from their adoring fans.

Marc Fosh

Eye strain

Majorca Mallorca

Home Work Health

This column today is for you if you have eye strain or neck pain, two of the lesser known by products of the lockdown.

Vicki McLeod

Post It wall on NYC Subway

Lockdown at Home

Life in Lockdown Series: 6

Giving feedback is frequently automatic and immediate. Very often we do this without a thought.

Margaret Morris

Weeping Willow tree


Gardening in Majorca

This willow has attracted the mushroom spore and frequently has a lovely crop of mushrooms growing out of the bark on the trunk.

Dorothy Loeffler

Bianca in the Reiki Master's world

Humans of Majorca

The adventures of Bianca Hadley: a human of Majorca (Part One)

This story begins, after spending time in Amsterdam with her family.

Shirley Roberts

Edition of 26 April 2020