News of the day 14 January 2021
News / Latest headlines
Demonstration in Palma.

Latest headlines

Mallorca's Covid restrictions cause ructions in Government

President Armengol and Health Minister Patricia Gómez are urging everyone to make one last effort to try to curb contagion.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Gym closure protest, Palma.

Latest headlines

Protest against gym closures in Palma

Various people from the world of sport and members of Associations such as Baleares Acción joined the demonstration.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Government & hoteliers meeting, Palma.

Latest headlines

Hoteliers don't know when the season will start in Mallorca

"Without financial aid from the Government businesses and jobs in the Islands will fall by the wayside

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Police break in to Alcudia house to take man with Covid to hospital.

Latest headlines

Man with Covid hospitalised against his will in Alcudia

Local Police say the man’s sister had died from coronavirus a week earlier and that had caused a crisis.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Carrer d'en Serra, Alcudia Old Town.

Latest headlines

Mallorca Weather Forecast for Friday

It's a lovely sunny day in Mallorca with strong winds in some places and highs of 15 degrees. Check out the forecast for the weekend. To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

More flights

Summer 2022 holidays

Jet2 adds more than 700 more flights for summer 2022

"Strong demand for holidays in 2022....."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Bars and restaurants to close at 16.00 and brought forward a curfew to 22.00 due to increase of covid-19 cases

Coronavirus news

Spain reports record number of new daily COVID-19 cases, Madrid blames UK strain

Spanish authorities have said a return to home confinement is not necessary.


Javier Arranz, spokesperson for the Balearic infectious diseases committee

Coronavirus news

Ibiza heading increased coronavirus incidence in the Balearics

Ibiza's positive test rate is twice that of the Balearics as a whole.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Petit Sàpiens, 'Skyscrapers'


The sky's the limit for Mallorcan Illustrator

Julio wants to secure international commissions that showcase his work in other countries.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The neighours want to be able to park again where the terraces are while the bars and restaurants are closed

Latest headlines

Restaurateurs told to give back parking spaces

“At least during these two weeks they should be re-enabled for parking so that residents can leave their cars in their own neighbourhood.”

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

More interest in holiday bookings.

Travel industry more upbeat

UK over-50s celebrate coming vaccination with holiday bookings, TUI says

"Another trend TUI is seeing is Britons booking longer holidays of two-weeks or ten days to compensate for the trip abroad they most likely missed in 2020"

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Health personnel in Mallorca

Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Thursday

The total number of people in Mallorca being attended to by primary care has come down by a hundred.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

A sign outside a café in Palma states that it is only open for takeaways

Latest headlines

The big Mallorca shutdown

While bars and cafés may be able to ride out the new storm, the outlook for restaurants is very grim.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Via Cintura - Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

New Via Cintura speed limit signs being put up

The 80 kilometre per hour speed limit takes effect from February 1.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

News / Comment


Time for restrictions

“The restrictive measures effectively transformed Palma into a ghost town...”

Jason Moore


Majorca left until last

Central government in Madrid continues to give Mallorca a rough ride.

Humphrey Carter

Protest by the hospitality sector on Tuesday


Back to square one

In today's Blog: "Not everywhere is the same, of course not, but the Balearics can be considered in a somewhat similar way to the Canaries."

Andrew Ede

Holiday / Lifestyle
Practical parenting, avoidance strategies


The Forrest Gump guide to parenting

Practical Parenting talks about the hidden dangers of using avoidance strategies.

Julie Waller

Sport / Other Sports
Joan and Toni Nadal at the Academy in Manacor


The Nadal saga continues to grow

Tennis is more than just a hobby or a profession within the Nadal family.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

Edition of 14 January 2021