The new government - tourist tax will stay but an end to tourism "interventionism"
An end to policies that implied a decrease in tourist numbers.
Palma tram project up in the air
Jaime Martínez, the new mayor of Palma, wants investment in buses instead.
Dead whale found on the north coast of Mallorca
In the event of finding a dead or live cetacean in danger, it is vitally important to call 112 so that we can proceed as quickly as possible.
Palma is one of the most expensive municipalities to buy a property in Spain
The price of housing has risen at a “very fast” rate in the last year.
Balearics April tourist numbers shatter previous record
Twelve per cent higher than the previous record April (2019).
Small boat arrivals in the Balearics rocket
Small boat intercepted off Cabrera today.
Prosecutors say items secured in Madeleine McCann search to be examined
McCann went missing from her bedroom during a family holiday in 2007.
One person serious after vehicle plunges 50 metres in Algaida
Five women in their seventies and eighties.
Mallorca cutting margins
Mallorcan hoteliers may well be selling out to foreign multinationals but this does not guarantee better service for clients.
Amber Heard “loves” Spain after Mallorca escape
Heard's move to Spain looks to be permanent.
Award-winning British actress braves the weather at home in Mallorca
Frost fell in love with the island while filming on location with Lauren Bacall and Harvey Keitel.
Rafa Nadal: Hotel project started with points written on a napkin
His involvement with the Zel project with Meliá Hotels International is "total".
Scoff your ham and cheese sandwich before landing in Mallorca
More Brexit blues for UK travellers!
Find out which ships are in port today
The luxury cruise ship Seven Seas Mariner is one of the cruise ships visiting Palma today
Animated film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse premiere's this Friday across Mallorca
New film to be released in English this weekend. Also the new Indiana Jones film coming to Palma's cinema later this month.
Mallorca to remain on weather alert for the next week as freak storm hits
From Thursday there could be a few days of settled weather, but it will not last!
Friday's weather in Mallorca - another storm forecast
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, June 2.
The Test Clinics - The formula that improves your sex life
The Test Clinics offers a method with unique techniques for maintaining and improving men's sexual health.
It’s World Fish and Chips Day!
Cod was always the most popular batter-fried fish with chips in England.
The election result in the Balearics
“Only time will tell whether the voters got it right or wrong but the people of the Balearics have spoken.”
Jason Moore