Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.


George Marshall and the Council

But if we look closely at this plan, how much of it is emergency spending, as in Marshall Plan style?

Andrew Ede 08/05/2020 17:51

Looking Back

Decades of weather in the "Bulletin"

From floods to heat, Majorca has been hit.

Andrew Ede 08/05/2020 15:40

The Week in Tourism

German tourism: the mixed messages

We have in the Balearics a proposal from the Association of Hotel Chains that there could be a "test" from the middle of June.

Andrew Ede 08/05/2020 04:01

The Blog

Things We Miss ... Or Don't

A Majorca summer without the daily delivery of their Instagrammed delights and minus the intrusion of the lenses of the paparazzi? Unthinkable for some; a bonus for others.

Andrew Ede 07/05/2020 10:28


Holiday incentives

One suspects that it will take rather more than a discount to get things moving.

Andrew Ede 06/05/2020 18:25

The Blog

The Case Of The Municipality That Isn’t

Palmanyola’s citizens (and Bunyola’s) are right now enjoying an unexpected benefit.

Andrew Ede 06/05/2020 16:12

The Blog

A Hotel Really Can Be Like A Home

For hoteliers, the current crisis is one of liquidity. Going forward, there has to be a doubt about all the existing hotel stock. Will it be needed?

Andrew Ede 05/05/2020 13:06

Enjoying Majorca

Majorca and the French connection

French politics and writers were to play a significant role in Majorca's 19th century development.

Andrew Ede 05/05/2020 04:01


Extraordinary help

Armengol has made this point over and over.

Andrew Ede 04/05/2020 17:32

Northern Spotlight

Spotlight North

Find out what has been happening up north this week.

Andrew Ede 02/05/2020 04:01

Decades of History

We Are The Champions

In the second look back at the Bulletin's almost sixty years, we highlight how sport has been covered in the paper's pages.

Andrew Ede 01/05/2020 13:55

The Week In Tourism

De-escalation a disappointment for the tourism industry

The Balearic government is working with Madrid on an ERTE that is specific to the tourism sector.

Andrew Ede 01/05/2020 13:17

The Blog

Planning For Tourism De-Growth

De-growth, a mantra of some from the tourism-sceptic lobby, will now be a reality.

Andrew Ede 30/04/2020 09:11


Best practice?

“A manual for best practice clearly isn’t sufficient.”

Andrew Ede 29/04/2020 16:48

The Blog

Space, The Viral Frontier ...

For very different reasons, beach capacity is back on the agenda. There will be the need for space between people on beaches.

Andrew Ede 29/04/2020 11:52

Enjoying Majorca

Masters of their destiny: Revolt of the Brotherhoods

There's no real evidence to suggest that the revolt in Majorca was in some way coordinated with what happened in Valencia.

Andrew Ede 28/04/2020 10:40

The Blog

Travel Has Never Been So Important

it occurred to me that the Week in Tourism column in the Bulletin might seem a little odd. If there is no tourism, how can there be a column?

Andrew Ede 28/04/2020 09:53


Confinement and common sense

There have unquestionably been flagrant abuses, but there have also been cases which don’t seem to be.

Andrew Ede 27/04/2020 17:17

The week that was

The family man dude

Pablo was very humble but also very aware, which comes from being a family man dude.

Andrew Ede 27/04/2020 10:51

Northern Spotlight

Town hall harmony and disharmony

Will gatherings of folk for fiestas be permitted by late June? One might hope so, but it seems pretty unlikely.

Andrew Ede 25/04/2020 11:23