Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

What's On

Top tip's of events on Majorca this week

Carnival ends, the funfair opens and its the Balearic Day on Sunday.

Andrew Ede 25/02/2020 09:47

Enjoying Majorca

Carnival: Bull dung and nettles

In Majorca, Carnival has never been a tourism event.

Andrew Ede 18/02/2020 10:54

What's On

Top tips of events in Majorca this week

Festival Jazz Palma continues this week, Carnival is in full swing on the weekend and George Sand Festival.

Andrew Ede 17/02/2020 15:34


Person of the week

The former mayor of Palma was officially named the new national government delegate in the Balearics.

Andrew Ede 17/02/2020 10:01


Seaplanes cup for Puerto Pollensa

From what one can make out, it is in fact a renaming for the Splash-In, designed to give that event added incentive.

Andrew Ede 15/02/2020 10:31

News from your area

Spotlight on the North

Complaints in the north, a plan of action for Puerto Pollensa and What's On this weekend and next in the north of the island.

Andrew Ede 15/02/2020 09:39


Carnival data

The town hall has forked out 27 grand for the kids’ parade this Sunday.

Andrew Ede 15/02/2020 09:34


People of trust?

The position of national government delegate in the Balearics is a political one.

Andrew Ede 11/02/2020 09:40


A big boo...

Let’s trust that this continues.

Andrew Ede 10/02/2020 13:03


Three cheers...

Tourism grows but in December it fell by 32%.

Andrew Ede 10/02/2020 12:56


Person of the week

The Helms-Burton Act was passed in 1996 but never acted upon until now.

Andrew Ede 10/02/2020 12:49

Northern Spotlight

The language of road signs

Regulations make clear that signs should be in both languages. The local police had also recommended that the signs be amended.

Andrew Ede 08/02/2020 04:01


Lack of accountability

Of course there should be a commission, preferably an independent one.

Andrew Ede 08/02/2020 04:01


Whither culture?

The impression was that the government had either forgotten about culture or had decided to downgrade its importance.

Andrew Ede 07/02/2020 09:37


Crisis absenteeism

Since the “pact” government was formed in June 2015, it hasn’t been consumed by too much crisis, but when it has been, there has been a common element - Més.

Andrew Ede 06/02/2020 10:06


Taming tourist resorts

In principle, it is a welcome decree.

Andrew Ede 05/02/2020 09:11

Enjoying Majorca

A Pioneer Of Excursions In Majorca

Adrover’s point is that hardly anyone made these sorts of “excursions” at the start of the twentieth century.

Andrew Ede 04/02/2020 10:15


The will of the people

There is no perfect system, and Spain is no different in this regard.

Andrew Ede 04/02/2020 10:07

Enjoying Majorca

Agatha And The Rains Of Sencelles

Àgueda is the patron of rape victims and of women suffering from breast cancer.

Andrew Ede 30/01/2020 14:21

The Blog

What lies below: The Plaça Major

b Arca wants the underground space to accommodate an interpretation centre, which basically means an information centre with knobs on.

Andrew Ede 30/01/2020 10:28