Andrew Ede
Andrew Ede

Background in business publishing. Started an online blog about Mallorca in 2005, which went daily in 2007, covering culture, environment, history, politics, tourism and more. Became a regular contributor to the Bulletin in 2010 before joining the staff a few years later.

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Thursday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, 14 March.

Andrew Ede 13/03/2024 17:10

Latest headlines

Balearic government drafting a law to define its powers for the islands' coasts

There is "some tension" with the Spanish government regarding the transfer of responsibilities for the coasts.

Andrew Ede 13/03/2024 09:37

Latest news

Wednesday's weather in Mallorca

A high of 26C currently forecast for the start of next week.

Andrew Ede 12/03/2024 17:41


Cameras being considered to end Palma Airport parking area queues

Fines would be issued to drivers who wait rather than use the express parking.

Andrew Ede 12/03/2024 09:42

Latest headlines

Luxury holiday homes in Mallorca have risen in price by 75% since 2015

"One of the most sought-after holiday destinations and real estate locations in Europe."

Andrew Ede 12/03/2024 09:00

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Tuesday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the twelfth of March.

Andrew Ede 11/03/2024 18:28


Mallorca takes Berlin; the Balearics do not

92% of German tourists in the Balearics come to Mallorca. For the UK, the percentage is far lower.

Andrew Ede 10/03/2024 13:21

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96 million euros compensation for land in Soller now worth 160,000 euros

Muleta II in Soller was originally classified for development in 1968.

Andrew Ede 10/03/2024 07:53

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Sunday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, the tenth of March.

Andrew Ede 09/03/2024 15:03

Latest headlines

Playa de Palma security - Whatever the measures, they still require enough police

Tougher measures for tackling crime and anti-social behaviour are welcome, "but the problem will be enforcing them".

Andrew Ede 09/03/2024 13:39

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Child abandonment case reopened after drunk-driving incident

The boy was found wandering the streets of Manacor in the early hours.

Andrew Ede 09/03/2024 08:19

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Saturday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, the ninth of March.

Andrew Ede 08/03/2024 17:26

Latest headlines

"No excuse" for town halls not adopting Balearic government's housing emergency measures

Calvia and Palma are a couple of town halls that have adopted the measures, subject to certain restrictions.

Andrew Ede 08/03/2024 16:31