Humphrey Carter
Humphrey Carter


Deputy Editor

Oxford-born Humphrey Carter joined the Bulletin in 1994 as a photographer, having studied photography, film and psychology in the UK. After having travelled the world and worked in many fields, within months of joining the Bulletin he secured exclusive access to Australia’s most wanted man in Mallorca and ran with the story for the following ten years for the local and international media. He was made Deputy Editor in 1997 and has been sent on numerous overseas assignments - he fronted the multi-media coverage of Real Mallorca’s European football campaign. His work has been featured on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world and is a regular commentator for leading international media outlets, in particular television and radio.


An independent Balearics

“It is highly unlikely that it will ever happen, but I think it could work.”

Humphrey Carter 08/07/2022 07:00


Warning of further chaos at Palma airport

easyJet has been reported to the Civil Aviation Authority

Humphrey Carter 07/07/2022 14:53

Latest headlines

Mallorca club death suspect arrested

34-year-old cook died as a result of his injuries.

Humphrey Carter 07/07/2022 11:47


Ronaldo's 30 million euro holiday in Mallorca

Ronaldo flew to Mallorca on his 22 million euros private jet.

Humphrey Carter 07/07/2022 10:39


Staff protests at all Balearic airports

Unions claim staff are being stretched to the limit.

Humphrey Carter 06/07/2022 14:43


More Palma flights grounded from the UK

Palma set for further flight disruptions this summer.

Humphrey Carter 05/07/2022 14:43


Covid in the UK could ruin Balearic summer holidays

Airport and airlines already suffering from the impact of Covid.

Humphrey Carter 05/07/2022 10:58