Jason Moore
Jason Moore


Managing Editor

Jason Moore joined the Bulletin straight from school as a junior reporter after being educated at international schools on the island in 1988. As a news reporter he worked closely with our Spanish stablemate Última Hora and was sent on numerous foreign assignments including Boston and London. He became Deputy Editor in 1996 and Editor in 1997. In 2018 he was appointed Managing editor with the additional responsibility of sales and advertising. In 2022 he oversaw the transformation of the Bulletin into an online publication and the launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin. Born in Cambridge in 1970, he moved to Mallorca aged 5 and was educated at Bellver International College and Kings College. In 2012 he received a special award from the Calvia Council on the Bulletin’s 50th anniversary. He has written articles for most of the leading UK newspapers and has often worked as a pundit on British and Spanish television and radio programmes.


A Thank You would have been enough

“Thank and applaud the British and the Germans, afterall they are the ones who pay the mortgage for the Balearics...”

Jason Moore 07/03/2025 09:57


No special treatment, you voted for it!

“If the British were buying homes and businesses like they did in the 1980s and 1990s, would they still face so much red tape in Spain?”

Jason Moore 28/02/2025 12:55

Latest headlines

TUI and Ryanair join forces to boost flight options for Mallorca travellers

"In the UK in particular, our guests will be able to choose from an even wider range of flights in future..."

Jason Moore 25/02/2025 12:22

Latest headlines

91,000 homes needed to solve Balearic housing crisis

"Lack of housing fuelled the anti tourism marches of last summer.."

Jason Moore 22/02/2025 19:38

Latest headlines

A bridge too many on the Paseo Maritimo in Palma

New look promenade led to the closure of the British owned Social Club nightspot which will now reopen at a new venue.

Jason Moore 22/02/2025 14:32

Latest headlines

Greece and Portugal cash in as Spain says adios to Golden visa

Spain is also planning to introduce a new tax on non-resident/non EU property purchases.

Jason Moore 22/02/2025 08:33


From lame duck to Donald Duck!

“Would someone in Europe please tell Mr. Trump and his team to take a run and jump. It is time someone stood up for the old continent...”

Jason Moore 21/02/2025 09:42