Jason Moore
Jason Moore


Managing Editor

Jason Moore joined the Bulletin straight from school as a junior reporter after being educated at international schools on the island in 1988. As a news reporter he worked closely with our Spanish stablemate Última Hora and was sent on numerous foreign assignments including Boston and London. He became Deputy Editor in 1996 and Editor in 1997. In 2018 he was appointed Managing editor with the additional responsibility of sales and advertising. In 2022 he oversaw the transformation of the Bulletin into an online publication and the launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin. Born in Cambridge in 1970, he moved to Mallorca aged 5 and was educated at Bellver International College and Kings College. In 2012 he received a special award from the Calvia Council on the Bulletin’s 50th anniversary. He has written articles for most of the leading UK newspapers and has often worked as a pundit on British and Spanish television and radio programmes.


PP and Conservatives

The Partido Popular and the Conservatives are lost for different reasons.

Jason Moore 05/05/2019 17:46


Election debacle

The Partido Popular suffered an election debacle across Spain.

Jason Moore 30/04/2019 19:38


What next for British manufacturers?

The British manufacturing industry is meant to lead the post-Brexit trade change.

Jason Moore 28/04/2019 19:21


Coalition in Spain

Why did Sanchez close the door on a pact with Ciudadanos?

Jason Moore 25/04/2019 18:48


Youth is key

The main Spanish political parties are putting their faith in youth.

Jason Moore 24/04/2019 19:23


Carrier visit

“There is a certain buzz around the island following the announcement that a U.S. carrier would be visiting...”

Jason Moore 15/04/2019 10:15


Vote please

“Everyone should be able to vote in a second referendum on Europe...”

Jason Moore 13/04/2019 09:57


Royal change

“I am growing increasingly cool towards some members of the royal family...”

Jason Moore 12/04/2019 10:03



“Sanchez has performed a minor miracle and is on course to stay in power...”

Jason Moore 11/04/2019 09:46


European elections

“There is not much point Britain sending anti-European MEPs to Brussels...”

Jason Moore 10/04/2019 09:54


Election time

“Turnout among non-Spanish voters has always been poor....”

Jason Moore 09/04/2019 09:47


Believing in Britain

I do believe in Britain, and that is why I believe that Britain should stay in the EU.

Jason Moore 31/03/2019 19:01


Time for a change

We are seeing a parliamentary system which doesn't work at all.

Jason Moore 29/03/2019 10:24


De Gaulle's words

Perhaps de Gaulle was right - Britain should never have joined.

Jason Moore 24/03/2019 20:03


Brexit anger

I am angry that Britain is in this position with no clear way out.

Jason Moore 23/03/2019 19:45


Defending Britain

There is concern about holiday bookings but mostly because of the German market.

Jason Moore 22/03/2019 07:14


Bercow's courage

Bercow was a guest speaker at a Conservatives Abroad function on the island.

Jason Moore 20/03/2019 18:43


Brexit nightmare

May needs to resign; 10 out of 10 for effort, but effort is not enough.

Jason Moore 17/03/2019 19:22


Fall in tourism

If I were the Balearic government, I would announce plans to slash the tourist tax.

Jason Moore 10/03/2019 18:59


Madrid out

You could have heard a pin drop in some bars in Palma yesterday.

Jason Moore 07/03/2019 19:08