Jason Moore
Jason Moore


Managing Editor

Jason Moore joined the Bulletin straight from school as a junior reporter after being educated at international schools on the island in 1988. As a news reporter he worked closely with our Spanish stablemate Última Hora and was sent on numerous foreign assignments including Boston and London. He became Deputy Editor in 1996 and Editor in 1997. In 2018 he was appointed Managing editor with the additional responsibility of sales and advertising. In 2022 he oversaw the transformation of the Bulletin into an online publication and the launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin. Born in Cambridge in 1970, he moved to Mallorca aged 5 and was educated at Bellver International College and Kings College. In 2012 he received a special award from the Calvia Council on the Bulletin’s 50th anniversary. He has written articles for most of the leading UK newspapers and has often worked as a pundit on British and Spanish television and radio programmes.


Majorca's retailing

Black Friday and all the new sales periods; they are the future.

Jason Moore 14/11/2018 19:02


Majorca public transport

With so many cars on the road the answer to the transport is simple - take the bus.

Jason Moore 13/11/2018 18:47


British tourists

The whole world wants British tourists, we should remember that.

Jason Moore 10/11/2018 17:37


Missing tourism information

I was rather amazed that the local authorities didn't give booking information.

Jason Moore 09/11/2018 19:52


Brexit deal

A deal with the European Union appears to be close, which is good news.

Jason Moore 02/11/2018 18:16


Weather and tourism

Majorca needs good weather otherwise tourists will go elsewhere.

Jason Moore 01/11/2018 18:19


British budget

Is the British government planning on calling an early election?

Jason Moore 31/10/2018 17:57


Cruise ships and shopping

Hundreds of cruise ship passengers in Palma and few shops open.

Jason Moore 30/10/2018 18:18


Majorca freezes

First snowfall of the season.

Jason Moore 29/10/2018 10:11


Economic slowdown

I would say that your average Majorcan has less money in his pocket.

Jason Moore 27/10/2018 17:54


In defence of Brexit

I find myself defending Brexit and saying that it could just work.

Jason Moore 26/10/2018 20:34


Changing Magalluf

These days only 40 per cent of tourists going to Magalluf are British.

Jason Moore 25/10/2018 18:30


Rocky situation

If Britain and Spain can reach an accord over Gibraltar, then there is hope for us.

Jason Moore 24/10/2018 19:44


Nasty language

Why do some Conservative MPs feel the need to use such terrible language?

Jason Moore 23/10/2018 17:52


Royal family

I think a role must be found for junior members of the royal family.

Jason Moore 21/10/2018 19:06


Balearic elections

The Partido Popular have failed miserably as a party of opposition.

Jason Moore 20/10/2018 19:03


Winter tourists

Perhaps the island should consider grants for the airlines.

Jason Moore 19/10/2018 18:08


Brexit answers please

Why are European Union governments leaving expats out in the cold?

Jason Moore 18/10/2018 17:57


Property market

The Balearics have managed to outperform the rest of the country.

Jason Moore 17/10/2018 17:53