Political deadlock in Spain
"Spain must resolve the political deadlock sooner rather than later."
Cab shortage in Palma
"There is a severe shortage of cabs in the city centre at the moment."
Opening hours in Palma
"I can't understand why the council continues to stop shops opening on a Sunday."
British investment continues
"British investment in Majorca continues to grow despite Brexit."
British citizens should keep calm over Brexit
"I don't believe that we should be too concerned over the Brit exit."
No more municipal votes for the British
"I doubt that British citizens will be able to vote in next local elections."
Chris Froome and cycling glory
"Majorca should cash in on Chris Froome´s victory in the Tour de France."
May and Rajoy offer some cheer
"It was a welcome reassurance from the British and Spanish government."
British submarines
It is unfortunate that yet another incident involving a British submarine has occurred close to Gibraltar.
British citizens abroad should have a vote
"Just because we live in Europe doesn't mean that we can be quietly forgotten."
Brexit and British and Spanish citizens
"If Britain starts to get tough with Spanish citizens, then you can expect the Spanish to get tough with British citizens."
Not such a record season
The uncertainty after the Brexit vote has been enormous and sterling has dropped by about 10 per cent.
Britain cannot stand alone
"Britain still has a vital role to play on the world stage despite the EU exit."
Alternatives for cruise ships
"Passengers disembark in Palma to see the landmarks and not the inside of a bus station which is not close to any of the main attractions."
Dual nationality petition
"The idea of this petition and dual nationality is nice but unlikely."
The future for British residents
"The British government needs to give us some assurances about our future."
The falling pound
British tourists have 10 to 15 per cent less spending power than they did three months ago.
No more moaning about the season
"The thousands of tourists on the island at the moment will mean that we can have a quiet and easy winter with no worries."
Jason Moore 03/08/2016 00:00