Fifteen migrants detained after landing in Conillera
Conillera is an island in the Cabrera archipelago.
Save The Med
Students spot sperm whatles in the water of Cabrera - seven times in one day!
When the whale is well rested and decides to head back to the depths, it lifts its’ fluke high above the surface in a powerful movement that leaves everyone onboard shouting excitedly!
Nautical Notes
A Letter from Save the Med
As this uncertain situation unfolds, we will keep you informed of any changes related to our work.
Cabrera Environmental Fears
Government says Royal Algerian decree would affect the waters of Cabrera National Park and cannot be applied.

Cabrera National Park
Cabrera National Park - archive
Thirteen illegal immigrants detained in Cabrera
The 112 emergency service was called by one of the thirteen.
Guardia continuing the search for two missing people
Two people are still missing since Storm Gloria.
Forty-three illegal immigrants detained by the Guardia Civil
The illegal immigrants came in four "patera" boats; most of the 43 arrived in Cabrera.
Cabrera "white shark" was a porbeagle
The shark spotted last week off Cabrera was not a white shark but a porbeagle.
Great white shark spotted near Majorca
This is the first scientific evidence of a Great White in Spanish waters for more than 30 years.
Cabrera hostel occupancy remains low
Across the seven months that it was open last year, the hostel had a 45% occupancy level.
More illegal immigrants picked up off Cabrera
Fourteen people are said to have been on board the boat intercepted today.
Fourteen illegal immigrants detained in Cabrera
The fourteen people arrested are from Algeria.
Environmentalists urging expansion of Cabrera National Park
Environmentalists want the marine area to make up 21% of the Cabrera National Park.
Cabrera beach "occupation" could lead to 100,000 euros fine
Under the law for conservation of areas of environmental importance, there is provision for fines ranging from 6,000 to 100,000 euros.
Beaches taken over by superyachts
A beach was taken over by what was in effect a private party, with large designer umbrellas and their accompanying loungers.