Three sperm whales spotted between Mallorca and Ibiza
Several hydrophones have been placed at strategic points in the Ibiza and Mallorca Channel to acoustically monitor and protect these mammals.

The sperm whale was found between Estellencs and Banyalbufar
The sperm whale was found between Estellencs and Banyalbufar.
Dead whale found on the north coast of Mallorca
In the event of finding a dead or live cetacean in danger, it is vitally important to call 112 so that we can proceed as quickly as possible.
Scientists make epic discovery on endangered species. Sperm whale breeding area discovered in Balearic waters
"Spanish authorities will come under pressure to protect site..."
Save The Med
Students spot sperm whatles in the water of Cabrera - seven times in one day!
When the whale is well rested and decides to head back to the depths, it lifts its’ fluke high above the surface in a powerful movement that leaves everyone onboard shouting excitedly!
Sperm whale pups in the Balearic Islands
Between June 20 and 30 the team of Scientists sighted 44 sperm whales, including 12 pups.
Animal Welfare
Boats endangering sperm whales
New study of sperm whales hit by boats in Balearic waters.

New sperm whale study in Balearic waters.
New sperm whale study in Balearic waters.
Research finds 400 sperm whales off the Balearics
This association has photographed and identified 86 examples of sperm whale over the past thirteen years, leading it to estimate that the community is around 400.