Etiqueta 'Climate change'
The university researchers at the press conference on Tuesday.


University researchers criticise airport expansion plans

Plans for the airport are described as incoherent and contradictory to declarations of climate emergency.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/02/2020 14:52

Climate change awareness for the children of Majorca


Climate change event for children in Palma

A group of artists took part in a short play with characters representing good and bad things about the planet.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/12/2019 11:44

Climate change activitst Greta Thunberg in Los Ángeles


Greta Thunberg expected to protest in Madrid this week

Greta will address delegates from 200 countries at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/12/2019 10:57

There is a "climate emergency" in the Balearics.


Balearics climate in a "critical situation"

Since the mid-1960s, the average temperature in the Balearics has risen by two degrees.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/06/2019 07:19

The project integrates trees and grazing on the same plots of land.


Climate change pilot scheme in Pollensa

The Mediterranean Wildlife Foundation is overseeing a project for adapting farming methods.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter31/05/2019 07:09

There has been a significant increase in semi-arid areas.


Summers are now five weeks longer

The hottest time of the year is now from around the eleventh of June to the twenty-second of September.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/03/2019 19:32

More extreme weather because of climate change


More extreme weather because of climate change

Conclusions about higher temperatures can be drawn, but these are less easy when it comes to intense rainfall.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/11/2018 12:58

The Gorg Blau reservoir when running dry.


Climate change scenario of temperature rise above three degrees

The extreme scenario forecasts a maximum average temperature of 24 degrees by 2100; it is currently 20.7C.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/05/2018 00:00

More floods but more drought because of climate change.


Drought and heat waves the greatest threats from climate change

Increased risks of flooding and from a rising sea level, but drought and heat are thought to be the greatest threats.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/10/2017 00:00

More charging points for electric vehicles will be needed.


Balearic climate change legislation will be "pioneering"

Marc Pons, energy minister: "The fight against climate change is at the centre of the political agenda." 

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/08/2017 00:00

Traffic reduction is one objective for ensuring a greener Palma.


Noguera looking to mitigate effects of climate change in Palma

The mayor has stated his commitment to ensure a "green and sustainable future" for Palma with fewer cars.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/07/2017 00:00

Many more trees are planned in the area of the Riera torrent in Palma.


Green corridor for temperature reduction in Palma

The town hall plans the planting of some 4,000 trees as well as the incorporation of dry stone into the sides of the Riera torrent.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/12/2016 00:00

Springs are shorter, summers are longer in Majorca.


Researchers find that Majorca's summer has lengthened

May-June temperatures in the Balearics have gone up far more than global averages.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/09/2016 00:00