Etiqueta 'European Union'

EU referendum

Have your say

Join the Bulletin campaign to have our say on the European referendum. Everyone should be able to vote not just those who have lived outside Britain for under 15 years. Petition: Extend Eu referendum voting rights to all UK citizens living abroad.

22/02/2016 00:00

EU referendum

We want our say

The Bulletin calls on the prime minister to allow all expats to vote

Jason Moore20/02/2016 00:00


European Union

“I did think that Britain would be quietly shown the door ...”

Jason Moore02/02/2016 00:00

EU puts an end to bullfighting subsidies in animal rights victory

Animal rights

EU puts an end to bullfighting subsidies in animal rights victory

MEPs approved an amendment that EU money “should not be used for the financing of lethal bullfighting activities”.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/10/2015 00:00

British expatriates have some major concerns.

European Union

Cameron’s EU referendum unsettles some British expatriates in the Spanish sun

"What would happen to a lot of people like myself who haven’t got a home in England?"

Sarah Young13/10/2015 00:00

Balearics prepare to admit refugees

Refugee crisis

Balearics prepare to admit refugees

Armengol told Rajoy that the Balearics were willing to receive refugees and to help people suffering the “drama” they are.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/09/2015 00:00