Etiqueta 'Expats'
Majorca street party, British style. Might it be goodbye to all this?

EU referendum

Brits in Spain anxious about Brexit

The health care issue is one that concerns the over-60s predominantly, with younger Britons more anxious about the labour market.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter20/06/2016 00:00

The princess in court.

Latest headlines

Royal silence and illegal rentals: the past week in Majorca

Princess Cristina didn't answer prosecution questions, Brexit and expats, trouble in the national parliament and holiday rentals: some of the themes of the week in the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

Monitor06/03/2016 00:00

EU referendum

We want our say

The Bulletin calls on the prime minister to allow all expats to vote

Jason Moore20/02/2016 00:00

British Ambassador Simon Manley is urging expats who are eligible to register to vote in the EU Referendum.


Did you know you may be eligible to vote in the EU referendum?

If you have been on the electoral roll in the UK within the last 15 years, then you can register to vote in the referendum.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/02/2016 00:00

Expats living in their local community

Expats living in their local community

67% of prospective buyers of property in various European countries would prefer to live among the local community.

VAN STOKKUM 08/07/2004