What matters most for the Balearics at the European elections?
Headline-grabbing issues are to do with housing, but compensation for insularity is of fundamental importance.
90-day loop hole for young Britons heading for Spain
Difficult for young Britons to work the holiday seasons in the EU.
Letters to the Editor
Brexit is turning out to be a disaster and unless a lifeboat can be found and quickly to salvage what is left I fear that all the hopes of a stronger more independent UK trading with the EU and the rest of the world voted for last year will disappear into the fog of dissension.
"Fair" or "vague"? EU sizes up May's Brexit rights offer
Theresa May said her offer to fellow EU leaders to guarantee the rights of their compatriots living in Britain after Brexit was "very fair and very serious" but her peers sounded sceptical, with Belgium's leader calling it "particularly vague".
Did you know you may be eligible to vote in the EU referendum?
If you have been on the electoral roll in the UK within the last 15 years, then you can register to vote in the referendum.