Etiqueta 'Face masks'
Face masks in Mallorca

Face masks in Mallorca

Time to make the most of them; masks won't be needed from next weekend.

Miquel À. Cañellas 19/06/2021

Face masks in Mallorca

Latest headlines

The heat is on, and the mask's coming off: the week in Mallorca

Prime Minister Sánchez gave a message of great joy; some tourists went for a walk in Palma; and the vaccination programme was positively racing.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/06/2021 16:22

Polls | 18/06/2021 12:12
Wearing masks in Mallorca

Wearing masks in Mallorca

The heat is a consideration with mask-wearing.

Efe 16/06/2021

Pedro Sanchez: No masks

Pedro Sanchez: No masks

Pedro Sanchez: No masks.

Chema Moya 16/06/2021

Wearing masks in Mallorca

Wearing masks in Mallorca

Various regions have asked for a relaxation of mask-wearing requirements.

Miquel À. Cañellas 15/06/2021

When will masks cease to be obligatory in open spaces?

When will masks cease to be obligatory in open spaces?

Israel has removed the obligation for wearing masks in open spaces.

Rayner Peña 20/04/2021

Incident on a flight for not wearing the face mask correctly

Incident on a flight for not wearing the face mask correctly

Incident on a flight for not wearing the face mask correctly.

Youtube Última Hora 19/04/2021


Masks: are they working?

I’ve said that I have no problem with wearing a mask, but are they working?

Humphrey Carter15/08/2020 03:21



Madrid expands mask-wearing rules to curb covid-19 contagion

Madrid will make face masks compulsory everywhere at all times as part of a package of measures aimed at preventing coronavirus infections.

Reuters28/07/2020 15:35


Tight-fisted airlines

I know the airlines are having a tough time but so too are passengers.

Humphrey Carter22/07/2020 01:17

Face Mask

Frank Talking

Face-Masks: The ugly truth!

I have become somewhat of a connoisseur when it comes to face-mask styling presentaion.

Frank Leavers17/07/2020 15:16