Etiqueta 'Gardening in Mallorca'
Christmas Cactus.


Gardening in Mallorca: Summer is out - but what about the summer weather?

"Planting up a garden in Mallorca really calls for easy growing plants"

Dorothy Loeffler27/09/2021 13:30

Christmas Cactus.

Christmas Cactus.

Christmas Cactus.

Wikipedia 27/09/2021

Gardener Holding Beans


Gardening in Mallorca: A little more tree talk

Having mentioned the subject of trees last week, we said that we should look into fruit trees in general this week.

Dorothy Loeffler19/09/2021 09:15

"I haven’t even considered the fruit trees today"

"I haven’t even considered the fruit trees today"

"I haven’t even considered the fruit trees today"

AEMO¶ 13/09/2021

He visited three different garden centres about ten times in total.

He visited three different garden centres about ten times in total.

He visited three different garden centres about ten times in total.

S. CASES 02/09/2021




Wikipedia 27/08/2021

Mine was in flower for the second time this year just this last week


Gardening in Mallorca: Midnight wonder

"One cannot share this wonder of nature with hardly any one unless you are having a midnight feast"

Dorothy Loeffler16/08/2021 11:16