October - my favourite month of the year
I always loved October when the weather is/was usually kind and all-embracing and inclusive in the best possible way.
New technology and me - I’m a technophobe apparently!
Struggling with self-checkouts, online banking, and modern technology? You're not alone.
Looking for Mr or Mrs perfect - why not go online?
I had no idea just how many dating sites, of every kind - there were in existence online.
Remember - please make anti-drought measures fair for all
Puigpunyent first municipality to vigorously introduce structured water rationing.
What does Mallorca want to be?
You will be unsurprised to learn that in the past, for those of us who live in the UK… what goes on in Mallorca - usually stays in Mallorca. But not anymore apparently it seems!
Sunbed and poolside protocols - you know it makes sense!
Towel-hogging and beach lounger bad manners are on the rise across the Mediterranean in general.
Fancy eating out for a change? Better check your bank balance
I read a feature regarding how ridiculously expensive some places have become recently.
Come on, what’s your favourite ‘Saints day’?
I noticed that there were quite a few celebrations linked to St George that happened here on the island.
As the word ‘glamorous’ goes on the banned list - what’s next?
I have recently noticed that there is an ever-growing list of supposedly ‘banned’ words that certain people find “inappropriate” or on occasions, supposedly “demeaning”.
Leaving money to family members? - Stand-by for a punch-up!
You don’t have be among the usual recognisably rich to any extent - if, when you die may have in terms of property and savings a few hundreds of thousands of pounds to pass on to assorted family members.
Fat shaming - or just telling the uncomfortable truth?
Obesity is becoming a long term problem for much of western society.
What time do you have dinner of an evening?
Rrom spring through to autumn here in Mallorca, sitting down to dine dark into the night, was and always will be rather sexy.
Don’t worry, it’s almost over!
I have to say that I always feel sorry for people who have a birthday over the Christmas holiday period, don’t you?
The Christmas day cooking crisis!
“...you do wonder what all the fuss has been about - don’t you; but it was worth it wasn’t it…wasn’t it?"
The Covid-19 inquiry: the language of loathing!
The Covid-19 inquiry presently underway, has so far - not been the tedious box-ticking affair that many predicted.
Let’s face it chaps - the person in charge is usually a woman
I have this theory (more a certainty actually) that it is women who generally make the key decisions in family life and then rather cleverly ‘sell’ these decisions to the male of the species complete with the fantasy that it was his decision in the first place.
Read all about it - if you love books!
I read recently that it is becoming more and more difficult to entice children into reading as there are so many competing elements in modern living that take precedent it seems over books and reading once the kids get beyond six or seven years of age.
Yes, I’m a pessimist - but in a really positive way!
This innate pessimism is said to be a central part of being British.
- Mallorca beach again covered by thousands of 'little sails'
- Mallorca holiday paradise vanishing for some German tourists
- Tens of thousands of Mallorca-bound British tourists facing long air delays this summer, airline boss warns
- Government buys back Mallorca estates from Kuwait
- Abandoned since 2008, a Mallorca bullring has new owners
If in doubt - why not just introduce another tax?
With that said, it appears that the two new(ish) taxation opportunities that are said to be in the planning process should not have too much impact on those living on the island.
Frank Leavers 14/03/2025 11:19