Etiqueta 'Illegal holiday lets'
Marga Prohens with Héctor Gómez in Palma.

Marga Prohens with Héctor Gómez in Palma.

Marga Prohens with Héctor Gómez in Palma.

Jaime Morey 30/10/2023

Playa de Palma, Mallorca


Are 36% of homes in the Balearics really illegal holiday lets?

The housing minister has said that there are some 235,000 illegal holiday let properties in the Balearics.

Andrew Ede22/10/2023 09:14

Holiday lets in Mallorca

Holiday lets in Mallorca

“Illegal” holiday lets to tourists are hugely unpopular and against the law

EFE 06/10/2023

Holiday lets in Mallorca


Your home, your castle in Mallorca

“Home owners should be allow to rent their homes to tourists as long they pay tax on their earnings and meet the necessary standards”

Jason Moore06/10/2023 10:17

Protest graffiti against holiday lets in Palma, Mallorca

Protest graffiti against holiday lets in Palma, Mallorca

Graffiti from some years ago opposing holiday lets in Palma.

Patricia Lozano 30/09/2023