Etiqueta 'King Felipe'


The will of the people

There is no perfect system, and Spain is no different in this regard.

Andrew Ede04/02/2020 10:07

King Felipe with the president (speaker) of Congress, Martitxell Batet, and Queen Letizia.


King appeals for unity while recognising diversity

King Felipe's address at the opening of parliament was greeted with applause from some but not others.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/02/2020 13:29

The ensaimada for King Felipe.

Royal family

A birthday ensaimada for King Felipe

The National Monarchical Brotherhood in the Balearics has sent the ensaimada to the King.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/01/2020 08:09

Spanish royals

Royal Family

Royal family visit Son Marroig

The Spanish Royals have been enjoying activities and visits since their arrival.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/08/2019 10:43

King Felipe with the President of the Balearics


King Felipe agrees that a political solution is needed before elections

The Mayor of Palma used the meeting with the King to explain the problems Palma is facing because of the increase in the number of cruise liners.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/08/2019 09:14

King Felip on Aifos during the competition


King's Cup Regatta in Palma

Fourth Day of this annual event taking place in Palma. Watch impressive video.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/08/2019 13:23

Spanish royals

Royal family

Royal Family arrives for Majorca holidays

The complete schedule for the King's stay in Majorca has yet to be confirmed.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/08/2019 04:01

King Felipe delivering the traditional Christmas Eve message.


King Felipe stresses bonds and coexistence

Coexistence, the King observed, is always fragile, but it is the greatest asset that the Spanish have.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter25/12/2018 08:10

King Felipe with Baltasar Picornell yesterday.


King Felipe wanting to build bridges with Catalonia

The King's vacation in Majorca has coincided with a call for a referendum on the future of the monarchy.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/07/2018 00:00

King Felipe and Queen Letizia at the India pavilion.


Eight-month seasons for all the Balearics

In Madrid yesterday, President Armengol spoke about tourism seasons of eight months and more, while the King and Queen visited the stands.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/01/2018 00:00

King Felipe delivering his Christmas Eve message.

Royal family

King Felipe calls for mutual respect in Catalonia

The King's message was measured and suggested that there was a need for Spain "to adapt to new times".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/12/2017 00:00

Mariano Rajoy, speaking after his meeting with King Felipe in Palma yesterday.


Rajoy attacks "extremists" who want to bash tourism

"I don't know if one needs to have a poster saying 'Welcome, Mister Tourist', but what one cannot do is bash tourists who enable many Spaniards to work."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/08/2017 00:00

Royal Family

"It's a hot day": The Royal Family at the Marivent

Yesterday evening, the Royal Family posed for the media at Palma's Marivent Palace.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/08/2017 00:00

King Felipe with Balti Picornell.

Royal Family

Armengol says the King fully understands Balearic problems

The president of the Balearic parliament, Baltasar Picornell, said that he was very happy to have met the King.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/07/2017 00:00