Etiqueta 'Majorca coronavirus'
People in Palma, Mallorca; Christmas 2020

People in Palma, Mallorca; Christmas 2020

The government's message is - be responsible.

Miquel À. Cañellas 02/12/2020

QR codes for restaurants and bars.

Latest headlines

No QR Code, No Entry!

"A QR code can be downloaded from the internet and personal data entered, such as name, surname, ID, address and telephone number.."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/12/2020 11:58


So, what do you want?

"Here in Spain the vast majority are doing what they are told, why can’t some Britons?"

Humphrey Carter02/12/2020 11:14

Guardia Civil control, Mallorca

Guardia Civil control, Mallorca

The curfew in Mallorca is currently from midnight.

Guardia Civil 30/11/2020

Guardia Civil in Mallorca

Guardia Civil in Mallorca

The Guardia Civil have reported the owner and those in the cafeteria.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 29/11/2020

People waiting at a bus stop in Palma, Mallorca

People waiting at a bus stop in Palma, Mallorca

It is indoors where the greater risk of transmission lies.

Pere Bota 29/11/2020

People waiting at a bus stop in Palma, Mallorca

Coronavirus news

Superspreaders and Covid transmission

Ten per cent of people infected by coronavirus are said to contribute to eighty per cent of transmissions.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/11/2020 12:12

Smoker in Palma, Mallorca

Smoker in Palma, Mallorca

Stand still! Smoking allowed in the street so long as the smoker isn't walking.

Jaume Morey 28/11/2020

Smoker in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

If it moves ... : the week in Mallorca

Smokers had to stand still; Mallorca followed Scotland's lead (after a fashion); and there was an outbreak of experts.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/11/2020 12:04