Etiqueta 'Majorca'
Closing night gala.

Majorca Mallorca

Bridging Cultures- Bridging People

Participants are given 48 hours to write, shoot, edit and submit a film adhering to an as yet unannounced theme and rules.

Vicki McLeod29/06/2020 17:38


No name, no pint - no point

One thing is for sure, the UK is good for a laugh right now, which is very sad.

Humphrey Carter25/06/2020 00:39

José Ramón Bauzá.

The Blog

Permanent teleworker tourism: new or old?

Bauzá was suggesting there could be "permanent tourism", and the Balearics would be one of the parts of the country most suited to this, because of its obvious attraction as a coastal destination.

Andrew Ede16/06/2020 09:30

The Repic beach.

Spotlight on Soller

June Glooms

The June gloom arrived in Soller last Friday night in the guise of the police looking for the loudest party in the world.

Shirley Roberts09/06/2020 01:00

Humans of Majorca surviving boating lockdown

Humans of Majorca

Humans of Majorca surviving boating lockdown

My interest this week was centred on a group of people of the sea with different tales to tell.

Shirley Roberts08/06/2020 00:10

Polls | 01/06/2020 17:48

Are you coming on holiday to Majorca this year?

Voting is closed
1206 votes
675 votes
334 votes
197 votes
Sprinkle the escalopes with lemon juice and coat them with flour.

Food & Wine

White veal needn’t put you in the red

The blanquette de veau, a stew in a white sauce, is one of the classic dishes of provincial French cooking.

Andrew Valente28/05/2020 00:10

Hydrangeas are known as Hortensias in Spanish.


Gardening In Majorca

The truth of the matter lies in the composition of the soil so to make a Hydrangea happy we must provide it with all it wants and that means starting from the bottom or simply put, the soil it prefers.

Dorothy Loeffler25/05/2020 13:02

Learn to get creative with Chocolate Chip Cookies


Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca

These Chocolate Chip cookies are a little different than your normal ones because I add less sugar and use maple syrup and molasses instead.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/05/2020 14:14

Catalonian fricandó consists of thin slices of veal sautéed in olive oil and braised.

Food For Thought

Foreign connections in Catalonian dishes

The flat greixonera that is best for this dish can be bought at weekly markets all over the island.

Andrew Valente20/05/2020 00:10

Planting melons.


Gardening In Majorca

May really is an active month in the garden with all those peas and broad beans ready for harvesting as well as sowing seeds and transplanting those seedlings that are large enough to handle.

Dorothy Loeffler18/05/2020 14:48

(All from the garden and hens) lunch.

The Good Life

Healthy Happy Gardeners

With health services recommending increased intake of fruit and vegetables what better way to do this than to grow your own especially here when we are blessed with such fantastic weather.

Caroline Fuller16/05/2020 00:07

The Spanish government has been critical of the EU not getting a move-on in setting out protocols for travel.

The Week In Tourism

Right hand and left hand: the quarantine

The health ministry took everyone off guard by announcing the quarantine, including the tourism ministry.

Andrew Ede15/05/2020 00:25

Learn to make 3 quick & easy recipes


Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca

Learn to make vegetarian tacos, a quick breakfast with left overs and asparagus, mushroom and egg dinner. Three lessons in one video.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/05/2020 00:10

We all know what this car is, thought by some to be the most beautiful car ever made.

Focus On Cars

All Together Now

A great example of togetherness is the virtual Wednesday Car Meetup.

Robert Klevehagen13/05/2020 04:01

When we cook eggs by any method, the number one golden rule is: perfect freshness.

Food For Thought

Who said cooking eggs is easy peasy?

Of someone who isn’t a very good cook, we often say: “He can’t even fry an egg.” But it’s not at all easy to fry an egg properly and just as problematic to boil or scramble one.

Andrew Valente13/05/2020 04:01


Did You Know

Words and more...

In the late 19th century, Trilby wore a soft felt hat with a narrow brim and an indented crown that became known as the trilby.

Andrew Valente13/05/2020 04:01

Professor Neil Ferguson.

My Column

Brainless professors

It’s good to get some laughs during lockdown. It certainly beats the relentless drudgery of the day to day corona news.

Anna Nicholas09/05/2020 04:01