Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
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Locked up in Lockdown

We are all being advised to stay at home and act both responsibly and sensibly. Stay safe, but above all stay sane.

Peter Clover18/03/2020 04:01

UME told to disinfect DGT stations in Spain.

UME told to disinfect DGT stations in Spain.

UME told to disinfect DGT stations in Spain.

MINISDEF 17/03/2020

Hundreds of untested people could have coronavirus.

Hundreds of untested people could have coronavirus.

Hundreds of untested people could have coronavirus.

Ultima Hora 17/03/2020

Balearic Islands bans air and sea travel.

Balearic Islands bans air and sea travel.

Balearic Islands bans air and sea travel.

Ultima Hora 17/03/2020

3rd ovation for those fighting the coronavirus crisis.

3rd ovation for those fighting the coronavirus crisis.

3rd ovation for those fighting the coronavirus crisis.

Wendy Wighton Urquhart 17/03/2020

92 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the Balearic Islands.

92 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the Balearic Islands.

92 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the Balearic Islands.

Jaume Morey 17/03/2020

British PM, Boris Johnson introduces tough new coronavirus regulations.

British PM, Boris Johnson introduces tough new coronavirus regulations.

British PM, Boris Johnson introduces tough new coronavirus regulations.

Reuters/pool 17/03/2020

First arrest in Palma for disobeying coronavirus State of Emergency.

First arrest in Palma for disobeying coronavirus State of Emergency.

First arrest in Palma for disobeying coronavirus State of Emergency.

A. Sepulveda 17/03/2020

Antoni Lliteres entertains neighbours under lockdown in Palma.

Antoni Lliteres entertains neighbours under lockdown in Palma.

Antoni Lliteres entertains neighbours under lockdown in Palma.

Youtube: Ultima Hora 17/03/2020

2nd coronavirus death in Majorca.

2nd coronavirus death in Majorca.

2nd coronavirus death in Majorca.

Teresa Ayuga 17/03/2020

Police tighten coronavirus lockdown.

Police tighten coronavirus lockdown.

Police tighten coronavirus lockdown.

Salvador Sas 17/03/2020

Troops arrive in Palma.

Troops arrive in Palma.

Troops arrive in Palma.

MINISDEF 17/03/2020