Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
Vaccination in Mallorca

Vaccination in Mallorca

In Mallorca, 422,688 people have had the full course.

Miquel À. Cañellas 18/07/2021

Testing for coronavirus

Testing for coronavirus

Test rate down to 11,62%.

Efe (Marta Perez) 17/07/2021

Covid tracing and tracking centre in Mallorca

Covid tracing and tracking centre in Mallorca

Over 200 people are involved in contact tracing and tracking.

Teresa Ayuga 17/07/2021

Vaccination in Mallorca

Vaccination in Mallorca

Just under 50% of the target population has now had a full course of vaccination.

Govern de les Illes Balears 14/07/2021

Students protesting on the terraces of Hotel Bellver.

Coronavirus news

Students allegedly damaged Hotel Bellver

The concerts in the bullring in Palma were also considered a source of contagion, due to a severe lack of self isolation at the event.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/07/2021 12:28

Health personnel at Son Llàtzer Hospital in Palma Mallorca

Health personnel at Son Llàtzer Hospital in Palma Mallorca

Hospital admissions are edging up.

Miquel À. Cañellas 13/07/2021