Etiqueta 'Mallorca Police'
National Police officers at Son Banya in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Son Banya "sniper" arrested at Palma club

He should have entered prison in November last year; the police finally caught up with him.

Andrew Ede18/06/2022 09:29

Palma Mallorca police officer under investigation

Latest headlines

Palma police driver - "I hit the brakes hard"

The police officer's statement will now be forwarded to the court instructing the proceedings.

Andrew Ede11/06/2022 07:16

Over 200 extra members of the Guardia Civil will be deployed to the Balearics.

Over 200 extra members of the Guardia Civil will be deployed to the Balearics.

Over 200 extra members of the Guardia Civil will be deployed to the Balearics.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 10/06/2022