Etiqueta 'Mallorca Weather Alerts'
Red alert for high temperatures in Mallorca on July 18

Red alert for high temperatures in Mallorca on July 18

Red alert for Tuesday.

@AEMET_Baleares 16/07/2023

Radar for the Balearics on 13 June, 2023

Radar for the Balearics on 13 June, 2023

This was the radar picture at 3pm on Tuesday. Mallorca clear, but it's what over the mainland which is on its way. The blues aren't much of an issue, but the greens and especially the yellows are.

@AEMET_Baleares 13/06/2023

Flooding in Santa Maria del Camí, Mallorca

Flooding in Santa Maria del Camí, Mallorca

The interior is one area on alert.

Archive 11/06/2023