Etiqueta 'Mallorca drugs'
Police drugs operation in Palma, Mallorca

Police drugs operation in Palma, Mallorca

Some fifty officers were involved in raids.

Policia Nacional / Policia Local de Palma 04/09/2022

Drugs operation in Son Banya, Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Police inspector arrested for drugs tip-off

The deputy inspector is said to have "a close relationship" with a Son Banya drugs dealer.

Andrew Ede28/07/2022 08:30

Three arrested in Palma, Mallorca drugs operation

Three arrested in Palma, Mallorca drugs operation

Three of those arrested in Son Banya drugs operation.

Miquel À. Cañellas 19/07/2022

Drugs operation in Son Banya, Palma, Mallorca

Drugs operation in Son Banya, Palma, Mallorca

Two of the eighteen people arrested.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 17/07/2022

Four of 18 people arrested in Palma, Mallorca drugs operation

Four of 18 people arrested in Palma, Mallorca drugs operation

Four of those arrested on Friday.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 15/07/2022