Etiqueta 'Mallorca fiestas'
Sant Bartomeu fiestas in Consell

Sant Bartomeu fiestas in Consell

Sant Bartomeu fiestas with The Capta in Consell.

J. ROIG 20/08/2022

The duck swim in Can Picafort, Mallorca


Duck's off! Animals and fiestas

The Can Picafort duck swim is proof that traditions don't need animals for fiesta "entertainment".

Andrew Ede18/08/2022 12:55

The Canamunt fiestas

The Canamunt fiestas

Bar Flexas in the Parc de la Mar.


Picnics on the beach in Puerto Soller are part of the Sant Joan traditions

Picnics on the beach in Puerto Soller are part of the Sant Joan traditions

Picnics on the beach in Puerto Soller are part of the Sant Joan traditions.

A.B. 01/07/2022

Fiestas of Sant Joan

Fiestas of Sant Joan

The dimonis de Sa Pedrera take part in Muro's Sant Joan fiestas.

Jaume Morey 20/06/2022

Fiestas of Sant Joan

Fiestas of Sant Joan

Felanitx celebrates the dance of Sant Joan Pelos.

ULTIMA HORA 20/06/2022