Etiqueta 'Mallorca lifestyle'
To Protect & Serve In Palma
“I have never felt rejection because I am a woman, but I do know about cases of sexual and occupational harassment..”
Words and More
Did you know
Alistair Cooke wrote the foreword of a Bedside Guardian, a collection of the previous year’s reports.
Humans of Mallorca
The end of an era for some humans of Mallorca
The individual stories are heart-breaking as families we love head for different shores. The Humans of Majorca who are vitally important now are those with a road map for the future.

Tomato Seedlings about 3 weeks old.
Tomato Seedlings about 3 weeks old.
Why not splash a little flash?
For a year now, most men have been slopping around in clothing that would embarrass a rough sleeper and blaming it on Covid-19...
Frank Leavers19/03/2021 11:34