Etiqueta 'Mallorca restaurants'
The stuffed mussels were most refreshing

Food and drink

Eat Peruvian when the heatwave is on in Palma

The traditional dishes have names that don’t mean anything to most of us, but each one comes with a little description of the ingredients.

Andrew Valente07/07/2022 14:13


Frankie's is inspired by the famous Californian diners, the kitchen is open every day from 9.30am to 11.30pm

Youtube 04/07/2022

Santa Catalina, Palma, Mallorca - people on the streets at 4.30am.

Latest headlines

Santa Catalina - the noise goes on, and the complaints mount

Palma's Santa Catalina - a focus for the apparent incompatibility between lives of residents and nightlife culture.

Andrew Ede27/05/2022 15:52

Johan and Nathan infront of Palma Thai Kitchen

Johan and Nathan infront of Palma Thai Kitchen

Johan and Nathan infront of Palma Thai Kitchen.

Johan Södergren 17/05/2022

The bacalao a la Mallorquina.

Food and drink

Can Nofre: When nostalgia is served on a plate

For those who are fond of Mallorcan cooking, a visit to Can Nofre is always a huge delight. Find out what was the verdict in this week's restaurant review.

Andrew Valente09/05/2022 10:15

Restaurant zone in Palma, Mallorca

Restaurant zone in Palma, Mallorca

Restaurants affected by rising prices like every other sector.

Miquel À. Cañellas 23/03/2022

Breath-taking views from the restaurant

Breath-taking views from the restaurant

Breath-taking views from the restaurant.

Facebook 22/01/2022

Restaurants in Mallorca have had to close.

Restaurants in Mallorca have had to close.

There are two main associations for the restaurant sector; there is now a rival.

Pilar Pellicer 18/01/2021