Thursday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, the fourth of May.
Bit of a wet start to next week in Mallorca.
Bit of a wet start to next week in Mallorca.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, the third of May.
28C and sunshine for the Coronation celebrations in Mallorca
Sunshine forecast for the big day.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the second of May.
Monday's weather in Mallorca
Forecast for Mallorca for the first of May, the 'official' start of the tourism season.
Summers in Mallorca are now twenty days longer
"This winter lasted only a month to a month and a half."
April record temperatures on Saturday; now comes the rain
The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, April 30.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, April 27 - a high of 31C expected.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
Around the weather stations, 34C on Saturday appears to be the maximum being forecast for the hot spell.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Later in the week, temperatures up to 13 or 14 degrees above normal for the time of year.
Sunset in Mallorca
Mallorca anticipating April days of intense heat
It could reach 35C towards the end of the week.
Cloud over the western Mediterranean.
The cloud that came across on Saturday and which is expected to linger for some of Sunday.