Saturday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alert for rain and thunderstorms for much of Mallorca. Balearic Webcams (
Rain alerts for Mallorca and the Balearics
Rain alerts for Friday and Saturday.
Friday's weather in Mallorca
Mostly sunny, but a yellow alert for rain and thunderstorms. Balearic Webcams (
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
Slight easing of temperatures on Thursday; some risk of showers. Balearic Webcams (
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
As you were really - mainly sunny and higher temperatures than usual for the first week of September. Balearic Webcams (
Sultry conditions in Mallorca
Sultry in Mallorca.
Mallorca heat and humidity set to continue
A "thermal sensation" of up to 40 degrees, especially in the north of Mallorca.
Highest August temperature ever in Mallorca - 44.5C
Average minimum temperature was also record high.
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts chart for the Balearics
What we have here is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for the Balearics, showing the increased risk of rain on Saturday and the higher than usual temperatures.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Temperatures still above average. Balearic Webcams (
Aemet weather map for September 4 and 5
Weather map for "mañana", i.e. today (Monday).
Monday's weather in Mallorca
Remaining quite hot - highs up to 35C. Balearic Webcams (
Weather map for Spain
Balearics, clear of rain.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca
Forecast is for clear skies; and pretty warm as well. Balearic Webcams (
Weather chart showing alert for rough coastal conditions in Mallorca
The "mañana" refers to Saturday; alerts for coastal conditions.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alert for rough coastal conditions; low risk of any rain. Balearic Webcams (
Aemet weather map for midnight September 2
The Aemet chart, issued yesterday, showing storm activity north of the Balearics, which is forecast to intensify on Saturday.
Weather and What's On. Today's Mallorca package
Still pretty warm; the possibility of a storm late on. Balearic Webcams (
Humidity due to decrease at the weekend
Very humid air from the south has increased the "thermal sensation".
Summer 2022 breaks all records in Spain with 42 days of heatwaves
Autumn forecast to be warmer than usual in the Balearics.