Monday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alerts for high temperatures still active for Monday and Tuesday; change is forecast on Wednesday.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca
Some stiff southerly breezes on Sunday; a yellow alert for high temperatures still applies.
The heat is on. Europe frets over climate change
Firefighters were battling wildfires in several parts of Spain, with Catalonia in eastern Spain and Zamora near the western border with Portugal the worst hit.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
Friday's high in Mallorca was 39.6C; yellow alert still active for Saturday.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
Thursday and Friday currently forecast to have the peak temperatures.
Mallorca hit by the earliest heatwave in 40 years
A cloud of hot air from North Africa has sent temperatures soaring, AEMET forecasters said, and the suffocating heat wave could last in most of Spain until June 16 or 17, a few days before summer officially starts on June 21.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alert for high temperatures for most of Mallorca on Tuesday.
Monday's weather in Mallorca
Up to 35C on Monday; yellow alert for high temperatures on Tuesday.
35C in Mallorca on Sunday and hotter to come
The met agency now says that it doesn't expect temperatures to hit the 40C mark in the Balearics. Even so ...
Spain swelters in hottest pre-summer heatwave for 20 years
Mallorca inland temperatures currently forecast to reach 39C (102F).
Get your sun screen ready it is going to be HOT!
Mallorca will be cooler than mainland.

Some cloudy weather in Mallorca
Some cloud around and there may be a drop of rain.