Etiqueta 'Mallorca webcams'
Monday's weather in Mallorca - No heat wave for the Balearics
The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, the seventh of August.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca - Getting back to normal after a blip
Rain on Friday wasn't as heavy as had been forecast.
Friday's weather in Mallorca - Alert for heavy rain widened
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, the fourth of August.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca - Drop in temperature and rain on its way
The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, the third of August.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca - Unsettled conditions on their way
Mallorca's forecast for Wednesday, the second of August.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the first of August.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca - Heat alert widened
The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, July 29.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca - Thunderstorms on the way?
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, July 25.
Monday's weather in Mallorca - Generally cooler in the week
The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, July 24.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca - More heat alerts
The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, July 23.
Record temperatures on Tuesday; Mallorca forecast for Wednesday
Heat alerts continuing on Wednesday.