Tuesday's weather in Mallorca - Red alert zone widened
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, July 18.
Monday's weather in Mallorca - More heat alerts
The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, July 17.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca - Cooler before very high temperatures in the week
The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, July 16.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca - a high of 46C now being forecast for next week
The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, the fifteenth of July.
Friday's weather in Mallorca - 44C forecast for next week
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, July 14.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca - Cooler, but more very high temperatures on their way
The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, July 13.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca - Heat alerts continuing
The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, July 12.
"Extraordinary hot weather" forecast by Met Office for Tuesday
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the eleventh of July.
Monday's weather in Mallorca - Heat wave update
The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, the tenth of July.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca - Met agency issues heat wave warning
The forecast for Mallorca for Sunday, the ninth of July; an amber alert now issued for high temperatures.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, the eighth of July.
Friday's weather in Mallorca - Now 44C is a possibility next week
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, the seventh of July.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca - Up to 42C now being forecast for next week
The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, the sixth of July.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca and June report - Hotter and wetter than normal
The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, the fifth of July.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca - Up to 40C forecast for the weekend
The forecast for Mallorca for Tuesday, the fourth of July.
Monday's weather in Mallorca - "Heat episode" forecast for later this week
The forecast for Mallorca for Monday, July 3.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for Saturday, the first of July.
Friday's weather in Mallorca - bit of a blip
The forecast for Mallorca for Friday, June 30.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
The forecast for Mallorca for the day of Sant Pere (Saint Peter), June 29.