Etiqueta 'Palma Majorca'
Camp Redó in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Wave of complaints for noise unattended to in Palma

Festive period ok, but not at five in the morning with "music louder than at Son Fusteret concerts".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/12/2021 11:33

Palma, Mallorca

Palma, Mallorca

Seven-year "expropriation" of empty properties by the Balearic government.

Archive 27/12/2021

C. Unió in Palma, Mallorca

C. Unió in Palma, Mallorca

The theft was from a restaurant on C. Unió.

Archive 26/12/2021

Stallholders in Palma Mallorca

Stallholders in Palma Mallorca

Stallholders, who arrived to find their booths had been broken into.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 21/12/2021

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

Christmas in Palma, Mallorca

Consumer spending has been positive despite inflationary pressure.

Miquel À. Cañellas 19/12/2021

Residents of the Plaça de Toros district in Palma, Mallorca

Residents of the Plaça de Toros district in Palma, Mallorca

Residents of the Plaça de Toros district.

Teresa Ayuga 19/12/2021

People on a street in Palma, Mallorca

People on a street in Palma, Mallorca

A slight overall decline in population.

Miquel À. Cañellas 16/12/2021