Etiqueta 'Palma Mallorca'
José Hila, the mayor of Palma Mallorca, with other town hall councillors

Majorca tourism

Palma calling for greater control of illegal holiday lets

Supreme Court ruling on tourist apartment lets "a great victory", but more needs to be done to stop illegal letting.

Andrew Ede08/02/2023 16:10

C. Nuredduna in Palma, Mallorca - pedestrianised

C. Nuredduna in Palma, Mallorca - pedestrianised

Mayor José Hila and others on the newly pedestrianised C, Nuredduna.


C. Nuredduna in Palma, Mallorca - pedestrianised

Latest headlines

Reclaiming the centre of Palma from 'touristification'

Well-intentioned schemes like pedestrianisation can end up having a negative impact on residents.

Andrew Ede07/02/2023 09:01