Etiqueta 'Mallorca housing'
Market in Spain

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Household spending in the Balearics is the highest in Spain

In 2023, average spend for mortgage/rent and bills was 29% higher in the Balearics than in the rest of Spain.

Andrew Ede28/06/2024 07:49

Building on rural land in Mallorca

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Amnesty for illegal buildings in Mallorca will come into effect in days

This is for buildings on so-called rustic land. One estimate suggests that there are as many as 30,000 buildings.

Andrew Ede18/06/2024 08:26

Developable land in Palma, Mallorca

Developable land in Palma, Mallorca

Land that is available for development.

Google Maps 16/06/2024

Developable land in Palma, Mallorca

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13,000 new homes for Palma - But when and what type?

The housing department can process the land for development, but the new water-treatment plant is needed.

Andrew Ede16/06/2024 07:18

Scene of Palma, Mallorca

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Balearic government will act as a 'letting agency' for empty homes

The government hopes that guarantees will persuade owners to make properties available for long-term rent.

Andrew Ede14/05/2024 06:53

Sencelles, Mallorca

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Housing in Mallorca and the concerns for social conflict

A message of a video by a group of residents in Sencelles was: "They are throwing us out of our homes, out of our town and eventually out of Mallorca."

Andrew Ede05/05/2024 08:30