Etiqueta 'Palma Son Sant Joan airport'
Check-in at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Check-in at Palma Airport, Mallorca

For destinations with the fewest flights, the prices are naturally at their highest.

Teresa Ayuga 17/10/2023

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Almost four million passengers in September.

Archive 14/10/2023

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

As is the case every winter, flights will predominantly be Spanish and German.

Archive 24/09/2023

Passengers at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at the airport on Friday.

Pilar Pellicer 15/09/2023

Passengers at a Ryanair desk at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Passengers at a Ryanair desk at Palma Airport, Mallorca

Most delays weren't long enough to qualify for compensation.

Pere Bota 13/09/2023

Flight information boards at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Flight information boards at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Increased seat availability.

Teresa Ayuga 31/08/2023

Passengers at Palma Airport, Mallorca affected by delays and cancellations

Passengers at Palma Airport, Mallorca affected by delays and cancellations

Passengers had waited for flights on Monday.

Pere Bota 29/08/2023

Scene at Palma Airport, Mallorca on Monday

Scene at Palma Airport, Mallorca on Monday

An estimated 50,000 passengers affected.

Pere Bota 29/08/2023