Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'
Queen's college students christmas


Fund raising for Christmas

Last Wednesday the school collected over 1800 kilos of food items in support of the “banco de alimentos Mallorca”.

Queen’s College14/12/2020 17:06

The Scream


Queen’s College students - learning about modern Europe

The children have been learning about modern Europe and also about the true meaning of Christmas.

Queen's College09/12/2020 15:28

The Scream

The Scream

The Scream.

Queen's College 09/12/2020

Queen's college students


Queen's College - Forest Friday

Reception children at Queen's College go to the woods and Nursery children have been blowing down houses!

Queen's College24/11/2020 16:30

Queen's college students

Queen's college students

Queen's college students.

Queen's College 23/11/2020

Children in Year 1 have been investigating the terms “half full” and “half empty”

Children in Year 1 have been investigating the terms “half full” and “half empty”

Children in Year 1 have been investigating the terms “half full” and “half empty”.

Queen's College 18/11/2020