Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'
Fund raising for Christmas
Last Wednesday the school collected over 1800 kilos of food items in support of the “banco de alimentos Mallorca”.
Queen’s College students - learning about modern Europe
The children have been learning about modern Europe and also about the true meaning of Christmas.

The Scream
The Scream.
Queen’s College Nursery children - stepping into storyland
Fairy stories teach children that we can overcome challenges and succeed.
Queen's College - Forest Friday
Reception children at Queen's College go to the woods and Nursery children have been blowing down houses!

Queen's college students
Queen's college students.

Children in Year 1 have been investigating the terms “half full” and “half empty”
Children in Year 1 have been investigating the terms “half full” and “half empty”.
Children at Queen's College - Investigating capacity and length
Take a look what some of the children at Queen's College have been up to this week.
- Surge in demand for Spanish Golden visas as U.S. citizens seek new life away from Trump
- The British government understands the 90-day rule frustration
- British drive increase in holiday bookings
- Electricity bills power ahead in Spain as goverment slaps heavy tax on bills
- The Alcudia crisis: Hoteliers add their voice