Etiqueta 'Queen's College school'

The lives of the small creatures
the lives of the small creatures
Queen’s College Reception children investigating minibeasts
They have been drawing and painting the minibeasts and using their sketches to recreate their shapes in plasticine and collage.
Queen’s College first steps
The children learn about sharing, being kind and becoming resilient through daily tasks in an environment of support and acceptance.

The Nursery curriculum
the Nursery curriculum

It was a MAGICAL day!
It was a MAGICAL day!
Queen's College Year 6 - A day at Hogwarts
As you can see from the photographs, it was a MAGICAL day!
Did anyone see the Easter bunny?
It was lovely to see mums and dads proudly wearing their children’s Easter bonnets at the end of the day. Happy Easter from Queen’s College!

Queen's College school easter eggs
Queen's College school easter eggs
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