Etiqueta 'Sa Calobra'
Beaches in Mallorca


Sa Calobra

One of Mallorca’s most beloved beauty spots

Beaches in Mallorca

Beaches in Mallorca

Sa Calobra beach.

R.C. 08/04/2022

Sa Calobra

Sa Calobra

Sa Calobra

Balearic Government 27/11/2020

On the way to sa Calobra

Photo of the Day

The road to sa Calobra

The road to a astonishing natural place can be easily forgotten but in this case creates more expectations on what's at the end.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/11/2020 16:29

On the way to sa Calobra

On the way to sa Calobra

On the way to sa Calobra.

Balearic Government 25/11/2020

Cordoned off to prevent accidents in Sa Calobra.


Town hall demanding repairs to Sa Calobra damage

There has been no response from the Costas about the damage caused by Storm Gloria.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter31/03/2020 10:26

Rockfalls in Sa Calobra, Mallorca


Two Rocks fall in Sa Calobra

A rock smashed through the roof of a house, but there were no injuries.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/11/2019 12:10

Sa Calobra


Escorca hopes to build a hostel in Sa Calobra

A complete environmental impact assessment for the hostel and other developments being considered by the town hall would be the first stage in this process.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/11/2019 04:01

Graffiti on the road to Sa Calobra.


Sa Calobra the target for graffiti

Graffiti has been appearing on dry-stone constructions and rock faces.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/05/2018 00:00

Parking in Formentor is an issue and not just by the lighthouse.


Formentor traffic restrictions will not include the hotel

Traffic restrictions will only apply to the stretch of road from the hotel and beach to the lighthouse.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter13/03/2018 00:00

Cars on their way to the lighthouse in Formentor.


Over 8,500 cars per day using Formentor road in September

A meeting is to consider limits on the number of private vehicles on three roads - to Formentor, Port de Valldemossa and Sa Calobra.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/02/2018 00:00

The public are asked to take rubbish home with them. Instead, it is just dumped.


Sa Calobra rubbish not being collected

Escorca town hall openly admits that it is putting pressure on the government over responsibility for rubbish.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/08/2017 00:00

Bit of a tight fit. There will be fewer coaches in Sa Calobra.


Coaches in Sa Calobra could lose 1.76 million euros

The federation of transport businesses wants the town hall to either rescind the bylaw or to re-draft it.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/05/2017 00:00