Climbing the Pi de Sant Antoni in Pollensa, Mallorca
The mayor had called the event off.
Fifth victory for Pollensa pine climber
Sergí Goméz reached the top of the tree around half past midnight.
Animal blessings for Sant Antoni in Palma
About a hundred animals were blessed in front of the cloister of Sant Antoniet in the traditional Beneïdes of Palma.
Sant Antoni fiestas
The bonfires were lit to drive away the demons.
Horsewoman seriously injured in Inca accident
During the animal blessings for the fiestas.
The collection of the tree involves a bit of a party
The collection of the tree involves a bit of a party.
What's on in Mallorca on Sunday and Monday
January fiestas start; Ara Malikian; the Hollywood Symphony Orchestra ... .
Sant Antoni in April? You might, we’re not
Postponements for fiestas and popular events haven’t been as popular as town halls might have wished...
Sant Antoni celebrations at Mallorca International School
What a wonderful way to end the week on Friday with the Sant Antoni celebrations.
What's On Sunday 16 and Monday 17 January
This weekend is Sant Antoni and some villages across the island are having celebrations. Take a look!
All in the cultural interest
It is six years since Sant Antoni in Sa Pobla was declared a fiesta in the cultural interest.
Animal blessings for Sant Antoni fiestas in Muro, Mallorca
Muro's animal blessings are among the island's most popular.
Pollensa and Muro call off Sant Antoni fiestas
Impossible to guarantee social distancing for key events.
Sa Pobla cancels Sant Antoni fiestas
Two religious celebrations will go ahead; that's all.
Arta Mallorca, Sant Antoni fiestas
Sant Antoni in Arta.