Etiqueta 'Santa Ponsa'
Whale in Santa Ponsa

Whale in Santa Ponsa

Whale in Santa Ponsa

Reuters 21/05/2021

"Wally the Whale" has been spotted in coastal waters

"Wally the Whale" has been spotted in coastal waters

"Wally the Whale" has been spotted in coastal waters off the coast of Barcelona in recent weeks.

Reuters 21/05/2021

🐋 Whale in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca.

🐋 Whale in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca.

🐋 Whale in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca.

Twitter: @Epaglialonga 20/05/2021

The whale spotted in Santa Ponsa

The whale spotted in Santa Ponsa

The whale spotted in Santa Ponsa.

Antoni Aguera 20/05/2021

Wally the Whale

Wally the Whale

Wally the Whale.

ATIENZA 20/05/2021

Cars vandalised in Santa Ponsa, Mallorca.

Latest headlines

Fury over car damage in Santa Ponsa

The damaged cars were parked in Carrer de la Reina Isabel la Católica in Santa Ponsa.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/04/2021 10:35

A community pool

A community pool

A community pool.

Fastighetsbyrån 15/02/2021

A bright, apartment with a Mediterranean style and a lovely sea view in Santa Ponsa

A bright, apartment with a Mediterranean style and a lovely sea view in Santa Ponsa

A bright, apartment with a Mediterranean style and a lovely sea view in Santa Ponsa.

Fastighetsbyrån 30/11/2020

Calvia Aid.


Calvia food aid soars

The number of grants approved increased by 1,226% and by 982% with respect to the economic amount.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/11/2020 10:24

Anglican Church in Palma

Humans of Majorca

Looking for their autumn life

For those with the inclination to spend your winter time doing something different I encourage you to visit these churches and see what the ‘people of faith’ are up to.

Shirley Roberts14/10/2020 12:38

Son Bugadelles industrial estate


Worker dies after accident in Santa Ponsa

The accident occurred at a mechanical workshop on the Son Bugadelles estate.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/09/2020 19:44

Police & Guardia Civil inspecting premises in Calvia.


Majorca venue owners facing hefty fines

10 reports have been drawn up by Police in recent days and 13 people were fined for drinking in a car park in Santa Ponsa.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/08/2020 11:27