Etiqueta 'Santa Ponsa'
Police & Guardia Civil inspecting premises in Calvia.


Majorca venue owners facing hefty fines

10 reports have been drawn up by Police in recent days and 13 people were fined for drinking in a car park in Santa Ponsa.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/08/2020 11:27

Bars and restaurants

Santa Ponsa bars closed for repeated breaches of health regulations

The owners failed to heed warnings that the bars would be closed if infringements continued.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/08/2020 19:03

Eye strain

Majorca Mallorca

Home Work Health

This column today is for you if you have eye strain or neck pain, two of the lesser known by products of the lockdown.

Vicki McLeod27/04/2020 12:16

Alfonso Rodriguez


More grants promised for Calvia

The grants are intended for improving the appearance of establishments, both inside and outside.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/11/2019 14:46

The Guardia Civil are investigating


Guardia Civil imposters under investigation

They reportedly showed him their guns, threatened to kill him, kicked and punched him.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/11/2019 04:01

View of the fallen roof


Roofs collapse at Magalluf fast-food establishments

It is suspected that the age of the premises - they date from the 1960s - and dampness were the reasons for the collapse.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/09/2019 10:48

Jellyfish in Santa Ponsa


Giant jellyfish spotted in Santa Ponsa

A Bulletin reader sent us some stunning photos of the jellyfish.

18/09/2019 14:55

The Origen Fest in Palma.

What's On

Fiestas and events in Majorca on Sunday / Monday

Fireworks in Santa Ponsa as the fiestas come to an end; the final of this summer's Origen Fests at Palma's Son Fusteret Showground; Arta's fair on today.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/09/2019 17:17

Fornalutx, which is celebrating its fiestas.

What's On

Fiestas and events in Majorca on Monday / Tuesday

Fiestas for the Virgin Mary's birthday and for the landing of King James' forces in 1229.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/09/2019 19:04

Letters to the editor

Santa Ponsa and Magalluf workers

A reader respons to the Open Letter regarding Santa Ponsa and Magalluf workers.

Shiela Peczenik19/08/2019 12:40

The fake notes and some real ones that were in exchange.


British arrests for fifty pound note fakes

The five tourists from the same family have been on holiday in Santa Ponsa.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/05/2019 18:39